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How To Write A Thesis Statement


Step By Step Guidance For How To Wite A Thesis Statement

Every journey is undertaken to reach a destination. You don’t just roam aimlessly on roads every time you step out of your house. The same rule applies to your academic writing papers as well. You need to present a coherent thesis statement to provide a sense of direction to your paper. Now you may have confusion about how to prepare a thesis statement efficiently; then, it's wise to develop complete clarity about this aspect of the academic essay writing process. Presented below are some of the strategies to put together a foolproof thesis statement.

What is a thesis statement?

The thesis statement presents the primary idea of an assignment expert and helps control the ideas within the paper. It often reflects an opinion that a writer has presented about an issue or a text. If your academic paper asks you to maintain a stance or develop a claim about a topic, you may need to convey that stance in a thesis statement towards the beginning of your draft. The assignment guidelines may not specifically mention that you require a thesis statement because your professor will assume you will present one. If you have any doubt, talk to your professor if the assignment requires a thesis statement. Now that you have learnt the thesis statement definition read more about it below.

Why should you write a thesis statement?

Here are multiple reasons to present a thesis statement.

  • It conveys to the reader how you’ll depict the significance of the topic under discussion.
  • It’s a proper roadmap for the paper, and it shows the reader what to expect from the rest of your assignment.
  • It answers the question asked. It’s an interpretation of a question or subject, not the subject itself. 

How to find out if you’re writing a strong thesis statement?

Here’s how you can find out if the thesis statement you’ve prepared is strong enough or not.

  • It should answer the research question
  • It should be specific
  • It should be arguable
  • It should challenge or oppose other established views

What are the steps for writing a thesis statement?

Mentioned here are some of the steps to follow when you're confused about how to write a thesis statement.

Perform sufficient research

Get through some initial research about your topic before writing a thesis statement. Always select reliable, reputable sources and emphasize the specific areas that you know less about. Credible sources for papers consist of scholarly books and articles that you can find in the library, online academic, or Google Scholar.  You can use sites that end in .gov or .edu as they will be more reliable.

Present the thesis statement in the appropriate place

Considering the role thesis statements play within an academic paper, they’re placed at the start of the paper, typically towards the end of the first paragraph or somewhere in the introductory section. Most of the time, the thesis statement is found at the end of the first paragraph. Its location relies on a number of factors like how lengthy of an introduction you plan to write before you can incorporate the statement or the length of your paper.

It’s a thin line between too broad and too narrow

Writing a thesis statement isn’t easy. You must present adequate background details to guide your reader. But you must not overshare and provide too much detail in your introductory part. A broad thesis statement presents claims that are vague, ambiguous, or overreaching. They attempt to address too many ideas for the assignment and don’t have a crystal clear focus. Again, a narrow thesis statement is too single-minded or particular to use in developing a well-crafted essay or research paper.

Offer evidence

It’s that you highlight to your readers that you’re making claims depending on facts, not just your opinions. Your thesis must explain that you have done your research and that your assignment will be a fair representation of the topic. You can either offer a broad example of evidence or discuss the sub-points that will be elaborated on in the body paragraphs. Ensure the statement is concise and brief. Also, never mention a new topic that you don’t intend to elaborate on in the paper.

Refrain from simply stating facts

A thesis statement has to be an arguable idea, which means that someone could potentially hold and argue contradictory views. This type of thesis statement leads to uninteresting, underdeveloped academic papers. It’s a proven fact that exercising good for your health and wellbeing you and no one would legitimately oppose this statement. 

Mention the thesis statement accurately

The thesis statement conveys to the reader the ideas and/or arguments you wish to present in a paper. It essentially serves as a blueprint that points the reader in the direction of your argument or analysis and how you’ll emphasize the importance of the subject. It’s an assertion, not an observation or a fact. Facts are presented within the paper to support the statement. The thesis statement takes a stand, which means it announces your position on a specific topic.

A few amazing thesis statement examples

To provide more clarity about this statement, find a couple of examples of thesis statements.

  • At least 25% of the federal budget should be allocated for limiting pollution.
  • Since the internet is filled with immense marketing potential, organizations should leverage this potential by using web pages that provide both advertising and consumer support.

Writing a thesis statement for your academic assignments is a lot like making a journey with a destination in mind. If you’re unacquainted with the way a thesis statement is presented in an academic paper, you need to skim through the steps mentioned here.

Wondering how to write a good thesis statement? Choose

Whether you’re working on your research paper or an essay, knowing what a thesis statement is and how to write them helps hold your paper together. But you may need clarity on the process of developing thesis statements. That’s when opting for the assistance of works out well. Our eminent writers know how to define a thesis statement and carefully work on it. They follow all the right practices to prepare the thesis statement. They know where to place the thesis statement. So, every time you’re concerned about how to write a thesis statement for a research paper or an essay, our writers are there for you.

Our experts will accurately present the thesis statement for all types of essays. These essays include-

The writers will ensure the thesis statement they prepare are specific and arguable, irrespective of the topic they work on. They will customize the statements based on the particular requirements of the topic. Thus, reach out to our writers any time you're plagued by confusion about how to make a thesis statement.

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