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How To Use Commas

How To Use Commas

How To Correctly Use Commas In Your Writing?

Are you planning to write an excellent research paper or an impeccable persuasive essay for your class assignment help? Writing a good, formal paper in English is much more than just choosing the right words in the proper chronological order. Punctuation plays a massive role in your writing to make it worth reading. It serves:

  1. The reader to clearly understand the message that is being conveyed. 
  2. It primarily helps to indicate the pauses.
  3. Punctuation is used to emphasize specific ideas or thoughts that are written in the text.
  4. Correct punctuation is essential to strengthening the arguments discussed in the research or thesis paper in academic writing.
  5. Missing punctuation or wrongly used punctuation can change the whole meaning and essence of the sentence. 

So, if you are thinking about doing your homework help independently, you have to learn how to use commas in the right place. Because it is the period, commas, exclamation marks or question marks which aid the reader to understand the writer's intended message, depending on where to use commas or apostrophes in a sentence will determine the flow of the writing. Therefore, you must have already realized the urgency of using correct punctuation in the right place. 

This blog will help you to have a clear idea about the proper use of commas. But before you know the use of commas, you must know about it in detail.  

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What is a comma?

If you wish to learn how to use commas in a sentence, you first need to know their proper meaning. The comma is a type of punctuation mark used primarily as a mark of separation within the sentence to emphasize a sense of pause or interval. It is used to part words and word groups in a simple series of three or more objects or items. 

For example, I live with my father, mother, brother, and a dog. Note: When the last comma in series of items comes before 'and' or 'or' (here, after 'brother' in the previous example), it is named the Oxford comma. 

The comma looks like an apostrophe or a single closing quotation mark ('). But it differs from them while placing, as it sits on the baseline of the text. The term 'comma' comes from the Greek word κ?μμα (kómma), which originally means 'a cut-off piece' or as per grammatical use, 'a short clause'.

Therefore, if you are asking "when do you use commas?" in a sentence, it can be said that to separate the words, the phrases, and the clause in a sentence, to help the readers understood the whole meaning of a sentence, to set of questions and emphasize the point of view etc. There are mainly four types of comma. Such as: 

  1. Listing comma 
  2. Joining comma
  3. Gapping comma 
  4. Bracketing comma

When To Use Commas ?

Now comes when and where to use commas? There are mainly eight primary uses. The list is as follows:

Use a comma to separate independent clauses:

You can use a comma just before coordinating conjunction like and, but, so, or, nor, yet, for etc., while it joins two independent clauses or two complete ideas. 

For example:

  • She completed reading the book, and then she went out for an evening walk.
  • You can go to a movie with me, or you can go shopping with your mother.

Use a comma after an introductory phrase or clause:

Here, you can use a comma right after an introductory phrase or clause, where the comma informs the readers about the introductory clause or phrase that has come to a close and that the central part of the sentence is about to begin. 

For example: 

  • When Harry was ready to go out, it started raining heavily.
  • Near a stream at the bottom of the canyon, park rangers discovered a gold mine.

Use a comma between all objects or items in a series:

If you are worried about "how to use commas in a list?" Here the rule is easy. You need to use a comma to divide each object into a series or a group of three or more items with the same action, function and form in a sentence. 

For example, I bought crayons, brushes, and papers from the market. 

Use of commas to set off nonrestrictive clauses:

Another correct use of a comma is to enclose the clauses that are not essential to the meaning of a sentence. The essential clauses are named restrictive, and the nonessential clauses are called nonrestrictive. The clauses can begin with a relative pronoun such as who, which, whom, that, whose. Here the relative pronoun refers to the noun or pronoun that precedes it. 

For example:

  • Ellen De Generes, whose show you like, will be going off-air soon. (nonrestrictive) 
  • The lady who is standing by the food counter is a well-known actress. (restrictive)

Use a comma for indicating direct address:

While in a writing or a narrative, the speaker addresses or names the person to whom they are speaking; that addressing is called the Direct Address. Depending on the placement of the sentence, you can use a single comma or commas to indicate the direct addressing.

For example:

  • Olivia, I think you are right.
  • I think you are right, Olivia. 

Place commas to begin direct quotations:

If you want to use a direct quotation or exact words uttered by someone within a written piece, you can use commas before mentioning or identifying the person. It is because the verb that refers to the speaker's words is enclosed within commas.

For example:

  • Juliana said, "I don't like shrimps because they give me allergies."
  • "I don't like shrimps," proclaimed Juliana, "because they give me allergies."

Put a comma to set off an appositive:

Use a comma to set off an appositive. An appositive is a noun phrase that is used to rename a nearby noun. An appositive term offers nonessential information. These nonrestrictive appositives will begin with commas.

For example:

  • John Keats, the Romantic poet, is famous for his vivid imagery and great sensuous appeal.
  • Cuttlefish, king of camouflage, is one of the brainiest and most bizarre animals in the ocean.

Use commas with address, dates, numbers and titles:

  1. Put comma for dates. The year is set off from the rest of the sentence with a pair of commas.

For example:

On December 18, 2003, the Bennett sisters released their first album.

  1. The address details or place name are separated by commas. However, commas do not precede a zip code.

For example:

Lionel Messi was born in Rosario, Argentina, in 1987.

  1. For using title after the name, separate it from the rest of the sentence with a pair of commas.

For example:

Richard Bullock, the CEO, has been appointed to the board.

  1. For numbers more than four digits long, use commas to part the numbers into groups of three, starting from the right. Though in a four-digit number, the comma is optional.

For example:                                                       

  • 5,600 or 5600
  • 300,956,
  • 7, 895,459

So far, you have understood the eight primary comma rules or how to use commas properly. 

Now you will know about Why Use Commas?

The six reasons to use commas:

  1. To join an independent clause to a compound sentence. 
  2. To separate an introductory phrase or word from a main clause of the sentence.
  3. To separate an aside which is thrown into the middle of a sentence if it interrupts the main clause and is not essential to the sentence's meaning. 
  4. To list two or more things or coordinate objectives.
  5. To quote something from the rest of the sentence.
  6. If you think about when to use parentheses vs commas, you can use them together only if the sentence requires it. 

For example. The professor chose three students (Jason, Ramsay and Selina) to represent the intercollege competition. So, follow the above mentioned steps to properly use commas in your writing to compose an impeccable paper. If you still cannot grasp the techniques, or come up with any good ideas, feel free to help our professional essay writers

Read More About An Ultimate Format Guide & Example

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